Case Study: Brewster Dairy

This is the second in a series of posts about our communications and infrastructure technologies.

Dale Brittan, CIO of Brewster Dairy, the largest manufacturer of Swiss cheese in the U.S., discussed with us why he chose Black Box to provide a complete data center at the company’s headquarters and to upgrade the Cisco communications system in the company’s three plants.  Watch how he details all the projects and how we help him “sleep at night.”

Digital Signage for Retail Webinar

Digital Signage in Retail Webinar

By delivering a great customer experience, you can create additional revenue, loyalty, and buzz. Easily target your specific demographics at any time with right-time merchandising. With it, you entertain, educate, and promote while showcasing new styles, hot products, and more.

Join us for our Digital Signage for Retail webinar.

Date: Wednesday, October 3
Time: 2:00 p.m. E.T.
Moderator: George Borden, Digital Signage National Sales Manager for Black Box

The webinar will explain how today’s retailers, as well as the integrators and resellers who do business with them, can successfully implement digital signage to increase in-store sales. We’ll cover how digital signage can:

  • Leverage point of sale (PoS) locations for impulse sales.
  • Repurpose existing content for sales messaging.
  • Help you engage “just-looking” types of customers.
  • Work with social media apps.
  • Improve communications with store employees.
  • Create a dynamic theme for display areas.

Register now!

Leveraging BYOD for Success

This is the first in a series of posts about our communications and infrastructure technologies.

In addition to all of the cabling, cabinets, racks, and network products, we also can design, install, and maintain the right solutions for your business. In this short case study video, our security experts break down the benefits and risks of the rapidly growing bring your own device (BYOD) trend in the workplace. They discuss how Black Box offers Cisco software that enables each device to act as a secure corporate device, but also provides the user with mobility.

In the news: CCCA testing shows fire safety risk remains high

The Communications Cable and Connectivity Association, Inc, (CCCA), announced the results of tests conducted in July 2012 on off-shore-manufactured cables. The results showed that five of the six samples failed to meet the minimum National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) requirements for fire safety, including low flame spread and/or smoke generation for installation in commercial buildings, schools, and multitenant residences. The CCCA reported that four of the five failing samples exhibited catastrophic failures. In one case, the chamber used to conduct the burn tests had to be shut down in less than three minutes because the fire was “so virulent.” The NFPA 262 test is specified to run 20 minutes. In addition, four of the five samples had a flame spread of 19.5 feet, the maximum length of the burn chamber.

“It is significant that none of the failing samples were certified under UL’s fire safety listing program,” says Frank Peri, CCCA executive director. “This also means that unscrupulous manufacturers may be moving to other testing agencies. This is disturbing and our concern cannot be understated because these potentially hazardous cables are being installed in buildings today. The potential liabilities we have addressed and risk to public safety in the event of fire are unacceptable.”

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Are you a “Cabling Icon”? Win a trip to Tampa!

Show the world how fast you can terminate a UTP cable and win a trip to the BICSI Winter Conference in Tampa, FL, January 20-24, 2013. The second annual Cabling Icon contest funded by Concert Technologies is underway to find the most-skilled cabling installation technician. The winner will receive at least $5,000 in cash, the coveted Golden Punch Down Award, an embroidered Cabling Icon leather vest, and “bragging rights.” In addition, the winner will receive an expenses-paid trip to the BICSI conference, including travel, hotel, and meals, and one week’s worth of wages. The winner will also have the opportunity to participate in BICSI’s Cabling Skills Challenge, held during its Winter Conference.

Contest entrants must first submit a video describing why they are worthy of being the Cabling Icon. The first video is due by October 1, 2012. Judges and on-line voters will decide on the best participants who will then move on to subsequent rounds of competition. If you think you’re worthy of being the Cabling Icon, go to for more details on how to enter.