How cloud computing is driving the demand for WAN optimization

For the past few years, Google, IBM, Amazon, and other top providers have been pouring money into a new emerging technology. Cloud computing, in which resources are shared across the Internet or private WAN, is becoming extremely popular in today’s dynamic, services-oriented computing environment. Heck, even some or our resources are shared in the cloud (your organization might use it too, and you don’t even realize it!). It’s a cost-effective way for companies to add storage capacity or use applications without incurring the up-front cost of additional infrastructure or licensing software.

So what are some common uses for cloud computing?

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8 Ways to Reduce Power Consumption

With today’s skyrocketing utility bills and higher energy consumption, you can’t afford not to keep a close eye on power usage and current levels in high-density data centers. Below are eight tips that can help you reduce power consumption and leave you feeling cool and green.

1.      Server virtualization

Today’s servers leave a lot of processing power unused. Plus, each machine requires cooling in addition to the energy required to power it. Consolidating multiple servers into one machine reduces the power consumption to that of one machine’s requirements. It’s easy to see how server virtualization makes a significant impact.

2.      Efficient power supplies

Data centers run all the time out of necessity; they are the lifeline of today’s business environment. But often times, desktop PCs are built without the most efficient power supply. You can swap out inefficient power supplies for those that are much more efficient. Desktops power supplies are available that are 80 PLUS certified, which adheres to the Energy Start 4.0 standard released in 2007.

The 80 PLUS certification requires that a compliant power supply operate at 80% efficiency at 20, 50, and 100% of load rating. Standard power supplies only operated between 50 and 60% efficiency. Desktop machines equipped with 80 PLUS certified power supply require 16 watts less power, which translates into 85 kilowatts per year saved per desktop PC.

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And the winner is…(drum roll)…

Cable & Cabinet Makeover Contest

Congratulations to Gary Pritchard, grand prize winner of the Black Box Cable & Cabinet Makeover Contest! Gary receives a cable and cabinet makeover by Black Box experts, including up to $20,000 in equipment and installation services. I bet Gary is excited to clean up this mess.

Other winners include Melody Baker & Craig Hestness who have both won iPads.

Thank you everyone for your participation!

Desktop Virtualization – More seats, fewer computers!

Stretching your IT budget is a daunting task. How can you provide the equipment your users need while still maintaining costs?

Desktop virtualization is a computer-sharing technology that takes the excess capacity of a single CPU and enables it to simultaneously operate multiple, fully functioning workstations. This computer-sharing technology is invaluable for putting more access to computers in front of more people at a minimum cost, especially in education.

Black Box’s VirtuaCore Computer Share uses virtual machine-style technology that leads to space, energy, and hardware savings. It segments a dual-core processor into two separate, independent drives controlled by two individual keyboards, mice, and monitors. The quad-core version provisions a single machine into four individual drives, providing full functionality for four users sharing the same CPU tower, each with a separate monitor, keyboard and mouse.

It isn’t a thin client solution. It doesn’t need the help of servers! It’s a true CPU sharing technology that provides users with the speed and resolution they need.

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